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BE HEALED is a “concept album” about Christian healing. The 24 tracks, all of which are original, vary greatly in style and length, but they all relate to Christian healing. There are more upbeat songs than slower songs. It was an ambitious debut album, coming at around 75 minutes of music.  It’s more like a “double album” in length.  I sang all the vocals (including the harmonies and chorale parts), played all the instruments, and recorded and mixed everything myself. So it’s a “solo” album in the purest sense of the word.  It took a while to produce because I can be somewhat of a perfectionist in the studio, but I think that all the effort was worth it.

BE HEALED is my sole published music CD at this writing. I released it in 2009, and I’ve been pleased to see that people are still streaming the songs today in the US, UK, Australia and elsewhere.

While my book (Young’s EBook About Healing) is free, the CD is not, because unlike the book, it involved nonzero production costs!

The lyrics and my sharing policy are on this site -- if you buy a PHYSICAL CD (not a download), you can make copies to share with 2 other people if you have the ability to do it.


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